

Please see below the EY SEND information booklet formulated by the Herefordshire Council:

Supporting Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Lake View nursery we are committed to ensuring all children are included and provided with a wide variety of opportunities and experiences and to optimise the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of all of our children regardless of their needs. We aim to give children access to an exciting and challenging yet balanced curriculum in order for them to flourish in every aspect of their learning and development; ready for school when the time comes.

Early Intervention

In order to ensure that we can be inclusive to all children and their families within the nursery we require an “All about Me” form to be completed as part of our standard Entry Form. This form includes a wealth of information regarding the child’s likes, dislikes, health information and any special requirements/special educational needs and/or religious/cultural beliefs/requirements. Any significant needs would be discussed prior to admission to ensure that we can meet the child’s needs effectively.

SEN Support

The nursery has a designated Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) who is on hand to provide support and advice to both staff members and parents/carers when required. The SENCO’s role is to ensure regular liaison takes place between parents and key workers and other professional agencies as needed concerning children with Special Educational Needs. The SENCO is responsible for gathering relevant information (assessments etc.) and putting appropriate strategies in place to support the child with their learning and development; these strategies may include Individual Education Plans, Behaviour can Change Plans, Positive reinforcement strategies etc.

Regular observations and assessments are carried out throughout the nursery and all checks (i.e. Two Year Check, Transition Report, Termly Check etc.) are shared with parents/carers at which time we would also ask for their input, views and opinions. If a child is identified as being either above or below their expected age band within the EYFS a termly formal observation/assessment will take place in order to monitor/track their progress. If a staff member has any concerns regarding one of their child’s development they will liaise with the SENCO who will observe and assess the child before referring to the Graduated Response as outlined in the SEND: Code of Practice (2014). Following this the SENCO will then arrange a meeting with parents to share their concerns and seek their views and opinions, at which point consent may be requested for external agencies to become involved.

Partnership with Parents

We recognise and respect that parents/carers are their child’s first educators and that we are here to support them as a family unit and provide appropriate guidance and advice should it ever be needed.

In order to support children with Special Educational Needs we working closely with parents/carers through sharing any concerns as early as possible and ensuring we involve parents on a regular basis and gain their views, opinions and inputs. Aside from this the SENCO will make certain that regular discussions are taking place between Key Persons and parents and also the Room Leader and/or the SENCO when necessary. Plans will be put in place as soon as possible for continuity between nursery and home life and as well as Individual Education Plans/Behaviour Can Change Plans which will be shared with parents.