Funding & Tax-Free Childcare

N.E.F (Nursery Education Funding)

2 Year Olds

Some two-year-olds are eligible for 15 funded hours a week. Check out the childcare calculator below to see if your two-year-old is eligible for free childcare, and apply online.  Once you have received your confirmation you will need to bring this into the office and decide if you would like these funded hours spread out across the whole year equalling to 11hours per week or take them term-time only.

Check your eligibility for free childcare for your two-year-old and apply online

3 and 4-Year-Olds

All three and four-year-olds in England are entitled to 15 funded hours a week, because of these funded hours being term-time only we can offer these hours at 11 funded hours per week all year round. This is automatically applied for by us and is applied the term after your child’s third birthday.

Additional 15 Funded Hours (30 Hours)

Some three and four-year-olds may be entitled to an additional 15 funded hours giving them 30 funded hours in total. If your child is entitled to 30 funded hours, these are term-time only but again we can spread these out across the whole year equalling 22 funded hours per week. Find out if your eligible for these additional 15 funded hours and apply using the link below;

If you are eligible you will receive a code which you will need to provide us with as well as your national insurance number (this can be either parent) and your child’s date of birth. We will then need to authenticate your code before confirming your nursery place.

Tax Free Childcare

Working parents including self-employed can apply for tax-free childcare which applies from birth. For every £8 you pay in, the government will add an extra £2, up to £2000 per child. Check eligibility and apply online below;
If you are eligible you will receive a code which you will need to provide to us to enable us to allocate your payments. Please note it can take a few days for the payment to reach us so please ensure you send the money across a few days in advance to the 10th.
If you have any other queries please speak to Laura, Hayley or Abbie in the office.